Musclenerd und GeoHot arbeiten an Jailbreak für Baseband 05.12.01 Es gibt doch Hoffnung, in der näheren Zukunft auch iPhones mit dem neuesten Baseband entsperren zu können:
Die bekannten Hacker Musclenerd (vom DevTeam) und GeoHot arbeiten jetzt anscheinend zusammen an einem Hack, der alle iPhones und iPod Touches wieder - und -fähig machen soll.

Als Ausgangslage dient ein vielversprechender Exploit, der erst vor kurzem gefunden wurde.

Ein Auszug aus der Unterhaltung zwischen den Hackern:

What does geohot tweet mean?
its my bb exploit for safekeeping
geohot: did you turn that over to the dev team or are you doing something with it?
my days of turning things over are done
i hope its different from the one they have
but they prob already have it
its the one i orig wanted to release blacksn0w with
it’s still there in the new bb
yep, just checked
but then opted to use xemn since it was public
Oo, it carries over from 05.11 to 05.12?
why wouldn’t it, apple doesn’t fix things proactivly
geohot we prob should figure out a way to know if we have same exploit double blind, otherwise we may release 2 different ones at same time
any suggestions?
not sure how to do that without making it easy to brute force tho
yea, i salted the hash
hmm maybe if we both hash the stack dump
Can you two take this out of public sight?
the stack itself, not the header before it or the registers after it
muscle: any notice about the exploits are the same ?
we are working on it
cryptography, perfect for people who don’t trust each other
