Mit 10 Monaten Verspätung ist das weiße iPhone 4 heute offiziell erschienen. Warum dauerte es aber fast ein Jahr, bis auch das weiße Modell herauskam?
Steve Jobs und Marketing-Chef Phil Schiller antworteten auf diese Frage von Ina Fried (All Things Digital).
„It was challenging,“ Apple senior vice president Phil Schiller said during a joint interview with CEO Steve Jobs on Wednesday. „It's not as simple as making something white. There's a lot more that goes into both the material science of it – how it holds up over time… but also in how it all works with the sensors.“
Schiller said that it turned out there were a lot of unexpected interactions between the color of the device and various internal components. Also, like fair-skinned humans, white iPhones need a little more UV protection from the sun.
“We thought we were there a year ago, or less than that, when we launched the iPhone 4, and we weren't,” Schiller said. By waiting, he said that the company was able to deliver a product that will live up to expectations.
Steve Jobs hob dagegen besonders hervor, dass die Lösung der Probleme bei der Produktion des weißen iPhone 4 Modells in vielfältiger Weise auch bei anderen Produkten hilfreich war, nicht zuletzt beim weißen iPad 2:
Jobs noted that the work Apple had to do to get the white iPhone ready has benefited the company more broadly. „We obviously think about this in a generic way because you have a white iPad.“