iPhone Apps entwickeln - Stanford-Kurs kostenlos via iTunes U Die Universität bietet einige ihrer Kurse auch in an, seit kurzem sogar einen kostenlosen Kurs für werdende App Entwickler: iPad and iPhone Application Development (HD) (2011)

Instructor Paul Hegarty attributes the course popularity to the appeal of Apple products and the instant gratification of creating apps for mobile devices. „There's something about developing for the iOS platform that's really exciting and fun because it runs on devices that everybody has in their purses or pockets, “ he said.

„There aren't a lot of courses you can take that when you get to the end, to your final project, you can take it out of your pocket and show your friends.“

Hegarty said that his students develop a wide array of applications for the iPhone and iPad, including many that improve or automate their daily lives. Those include apps that manage laboratory experiments, keep track of food choices at campus eateries, or access the works of Shakespeare. Games and social networking applications are also popular.

Es handelt sich dabei um die selben Vorlesungen und Folien, die Studenten in Stanford zu sehen bekommen, allerdings ohne Uni-Anrechnung.
Die beiden Kurse, die in Stanford als Voraussetzung für den iPhone App -Kurs gelten, sind ebenfalls in U verfügbar:

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