Wie die US-amerikanische Recording Academy bekannt gibt, sollen im Rahmen der 2012 Special Merit Awards große Namen wie die Allman Brothers Band und Diana Ross gekrönt werden. Auch Steve Jobs erhält einen Preis, und zwar für seine „herausragenden (nicht-musikalischen) Beiträge für die Musikindustrie“ (engl. „outstanding contributions to the industry in a nonperforming capacity“).
Die Preisverleihung findet am 11. Februar, während der Grammy Week, statt.
Die Presseerklärung zur posthumen Auszeichnung von Steve Jobs gibt's im Anschluss:
Visionary, pioneer, innovator, genius — all of these words and more have been used to describe the dynamic, passionate, and driven Steve Jobs, who always believed, and often proved, that the impossible was possible. He took technology and turned it into art, becoming a key player and leader in the entertainment world, particularly music, and changing the way we all use the Internet and consume music, TV, movies, books, graphics, and more. In 2002, Apple Computer, Inc. was a recipient of the Technical GRAMMY® Award for contributions of outstanding technical significance to the recording field — which the groundbreaking company continues to achieve to this day. The world has lost an inspiring and creative inventor whose extraordinary legacy will forever remain present in our lives. Our deepest sympathies go out to his family, his friends, and the outstanding employees of Apple who will continue to honor his memory and vision.