In entsteht bekanntlich der neue Campus 2, der unter anderem das als bezeichnete Hauptgebäude beinhaltet. Regelmäßig wendet sich Apple dabei an die Anwohner der kalifornischen Stadt, um die nächsten Bauarbeiten anzukündigen und mitzuteilen, an welchen Bereichen Apple in der nächsten Zeit arbeiten möchte.

Apple Campus 2: Stadt will mehr Steuern - Apple stimmt zu

Der neueste Brief Apples an die Anwohner Cupertinos beinhaltet unter anderem, dass die Bauarbeiten an der Infrastruktur im April 2014 beginnen sollen und aller Voraussicht nach Ende Juni 2014 beendet werden. In Betrieb genommen werden soll der Spaceship-Campus gegen Ende des Jahres 2016, bis dahin wird Apple noch einige Bauarbeiten durchführen.

Bei „AppleInsider“ lässt sich der komplette Brief finden, der sich wie folgt liest:

Dear Neighbor:

I wanted to update you on construction activities for 2. We are now wrapping up demolition of the old buildings on site as well as public utility relocation and roadway construction along Tantau Avenue and Homestead Road. We ran into some unforeseen underground conditions the delayed the utility relocation process, however we expect this work to be completed in the next few weeks.

I also wanted to let you know that, as Homestead and Tantau are reopened, Pruneridge Avenue will then be closed. We currently anticipate the Pruneridge closure by mid April, but it may be as early as April 4th if the weather holds. Please continue to monitor construction signage in the area for the specific day Homestead and Tantau will re-open Pruneridge and will close.

We expect additional work on portions of Tantau and Homestead in April and will continue public utility work on Wolf eRoad through the spring and early summer of this year. Once the utility work in the public streets is complete we expect less construction disruption as the vast majority of work will be directly on the project site. We are planning to commence earthwork and construction activity on site in April and currently anticipate occupancy in late 2016.

The City of Cupertino has established the Apple Campus 2 Construction Update webpage at The webpage provides information on vehicular, bike and pedestrian routes lane closure, construction timelines for various activities and other information. The website is updated each Friday so you can visit the website to learn about upcoming construction work.

As always please feel free to contact us if you should have questions or concerns.
