iPhone 5 Kamera: Bleibt Apple doch bei OmniVision?
Die vage Andeutung von Sony CEO Howard Stringer, dass sich die Lieferung der besten Kameramodule an Apple verzögere, gab dem Gerücht freien Lauf, dass Apple von seinem bisherigen Kamera-Produzenten Omnivision zu Sony gewechselt haben könnte.
Analyst Yair Reiner von Oppenheimer & Co. war die undeutliche Formulierung des Sony CEOs allerdings nicht genug, und er fragte bei seinen Quellen aus Apple's Zulieferer-Kette nach: Diesen zufolge gebe es keine Anzeichen für einen Manufacturer-Wechsel - man erwarte auch dort wieder OmniVision-Kameramodule im iPhone 5.
The original article also quoted Stringer as saying: "It always puzzles me, why would I make Apple the best camera?" Reiner interpreted this as a rhetorical question meant to suggest that Sony would not help Apple by supplying cameras for the next iPhone.
"A closer look at the article that sparked the conjecture suggests Stringer implied just the opposite -- i.e. that the notion of such a hook-up was rather silly," Reiner said. "Based on our independent field work, we continue to strongly believe that OmniVision has won the image sensor slots on the next iPhone."
Reiner said that he believes the "blogosphere has grossly inverted the meaning of Stringer's statements." However, the original report from writer Jessica E. Vascellaro of the Journal also raised the question of what Stringer meant by his comments.
8. April 2011AllgemeinOmniVision,iPhone 5,Apple,Oppenheimer & Co.,Sony,Kamera