Nach Apple's großem Education Event in New York erklärte Terry McGraw, CEO des Verlags McGraw-Hill, einer der Textbook-Partner von Apple, gegenüber AllThingsD einige Hintergründe zum neuen iOS-Feature.
Wie schon in Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs Biographie angedeutet wurde, erklärte jetzt auch McGraw, dass Schulbücher für Steve Jobs der nächste zu revolutionierende Markt gewesen seien. Jobs wollte schon vor Jahren „großartige Schubuch-Autoren anheuern, um digitale Versionen für das iPad zu erstellen“.
Sitting and listening to all of this, I wish Steve Jobs was here. I was with him in June this past year, and we were talking about some of the benchmarks, and some of the things that we were trying to do together. He should be here. He probably is [gesturing up and around]. This was his vision, this was his idea, and it all had to do with the iPad.
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